Links to Parents Preschool Blog

Links to Learning
A woman with long brown hair and a green sweater shows a large green leaf to three young children.

Nurture the Scientist Within Your Preschooler 

In today’s ever-evolving educational landscape, fostering a love for science and inquiry among students is a top priority. While discussions often focus on older students and standardized testing, we firmly believe that the seeds of scientific curiosity are planted in preschool. Let’s explore how we can inspire and encourage the…
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A young boy with dark hair and a grey t-shirt works with a red and blue trinomial cube

Unlocking the Joy of Montessori Math

Imagine a world where math is not a dreaded subject but an exhilarating adventure. Picture young children solving complex puzzles, understanding mathematical concepts with ease, and feeling a genuine sense of joy and accomplishment. Welcome to Montessori mathematics education, where learning becomes a captivating journey of exploration and discovery! In…
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A young girl in a blue shirt holds a knife and slices a banana

The Dual Purpose of Montessori Practical Life Activities

“If teaching is to be effective with young children, it must assist them to advance on the way to independence. It must initiate them into those kinds of activities which they can perform themselves and which keep them from being a burden to others because of their inabilities. We must…
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A young girl with black hair and a pink shirt sits at a wooden table and points to a globe

A Montessorians Guide to Traveling With Younger Children

Summertime, for many of us, means travel time! Summer is an opportunity to get out there and explore, from day trips to the local beach, weekends at Grandma’s house, and long vacations in different parts of the world. But travel time can also mean being stuck in a car, train,…
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A woman with brown hair and a blue and white stripe top leans over a young child with white hair to help him button

Montessori vs. Daycare: What is the Difference for Your Child?

When the parents of infant, toddler, or preschool children come tour our Montessori Academy Idaho schools, they often want to understand the differences between a high-quality Montessori program and a traditional daycare center. Our first answer is this: seeing is believing! Come for a tour at a Montessori Academy school,…
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