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August 2020

A Note From Our Principal Thank you all for your participation in our Kids Helping Communities initiative this summer! We collected 3 bins full of canned and boxed goods to donate to The Meridian Food Bank! We are grateful for the opportunity to watch our students serve others these past…
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July 2020

A Note From Our Principal , Summer is here and we are very excited to spend this extra time teaching and learning with our students! This month we are celebrating Independence Day and campers are jumping into action, playing games, exploring nature, being creative, and participating in other fun summer-themed…
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June 2020

A Note From Our Principal We are excited to be back in the building and see all of our students again. Our teachers have been busy planning special activities to make this summer fun and memorable for our students.   It will continue to feature activities that support learning outcomes…
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March News

A Note From Our Principal, The year is off to a great start and we’re excited for the Spring weather. We want to extend a heartfelt welcome to the new families that joined us in March and those who will be joining us soon. We encourage you all to attend our…
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